Dealing with alcohol and drug abuse in the workplace is not easy. At the one extreme you might have a driver who drinks heavily on a particular occasion while on duty, and then drives and crashes a company vehicle while under the influence of alcohol. At the other extreme, you might have a clerk who occasionally smells of alcohol at the workplace, but approaches the employer of his own free will for assistance with alcohol dependency. While these situations clearly require different approaches, there could be a number of situations in between that each requires a slightly different approach.
The Minister of Home Affairs announced a further extension for Zimbabwe Exemption Permit (ZEP) holders until 28 November 2025. But what about other undocumented foreigners in your employ?
Zero tolerance rule should be applicable in all sectors of employment . I case of teachers who came to school smelling or under the influence of alcohol should be dismissed , since this is dangerous to learners and fellow employees. The gist of the matter is to apply it consistent to all employees. M so impressed about the fact that an employee is given an opportunity to test herself, himself,and given an opportunity to go home without subjected disciplinary action .