by | Jun 10, 2024 | 4 comments

This year 16 June (Youth Day) falls on a Sunday. Therefore Monday, 17 June, is also a public holiday. So, what must employees be paid?

The Court has held that where a public holiday falls on a Sunday the legislature intended that the Monday should be a public holiday in addition to the Sunday (See the interpretation of the Public Holidays Act in the Labour Appeal Court in the case of Randfontein Estates v NUM (case no. JA29/06 dated 15 November 2007.)

As both Sunday and Monday are regarded as public holidays, public holiday rates may come into play for both days. It depends on what days employees would ordinarily work in the particular establishment.

Scenario 1: Sunday is not a normal working day, but Monday is
(This scenario applies for most establishments, where employees ordinarily work Monday to Friday or Monday to Saturday.)

Pay for Sunday: If employees don’t work, they receive no pay. If employees work, they must be paid a day’s wage plus the amount earned for work on that day.

Pay for Monday: If employees don’t work, they must be paid the wage that they would ordinarily have received for work on that day. If employees work, they must be paid at least double the amount they would ordinarily have received for work on that day.

Scenario 2: Both Sunday and Monday are normal working days

Pay for Sunday and/or Monday: If employees don’t work, they receive the wage that they would ordinarily have received for work on that day (or those days). If employees work, they must be paid at least double the amount they would ordinarily have received for work on that day (or those days) – e.g. if employees work on both Sunday and Monday, they should receive at least double the normal wage for both days.

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  1. and what rules apply to salesman that works for commission

    • The provisions pertaining to public holidays do not apply to employees engaged as stales staff who travel to the premises of customers and who regulate their own working hours (The same applies in respect of overtime and work on Sundays).

  2. What if employees work night duty on Sunday night, how many hours to ve paid double. When a new shift starts on Monday the 17th, what will their Raye be to be paid on. Talking about Nighy duty.

    • Public holiday rates would apply for time worked on Sunday and Monday.


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