The Bill seeks to rectify anomalies and clarify uncertainties that have arisen out from the interpretation of the EEA in the past decade. We will also see the expansion of the powers of the Labour Inspectorate and the jurisdiction of the CCMA.
The Minister of Home Affairs announced a further extension for Zimbabwe Exemption Permit (ZEP) holders until 28 November 2025. But what about other undocumented foreigners in your employ?
Hello Jan,
How far is thee amendment from being passed,spesifically the work of equill vallue part.
Reply to Ernest: Nobody knows for sure, but it is likely to be passed in law before the end of this year. The effective date of implementation may be later, though.
i am in a company where they are paying people huge differences in salary but what they have done is change the title of the job and they say because that person is that tiltle he is allowed to get a higher salary but the problem is our job description is the same what do i do in this case?
Reply to Allister: The content of the job is what is important, not the title. I suggest you cosnsult with a specialist in Labour and Employment Law for advice.
Tell me. what are the implications of the EEA on employing foreign nationals?
Reply to Tavonga: Employment Equity is not intended to benefit foreign nationals.
I have been working for a labour broker for 3 years in anglo platinum RBMR.. Is it legal and which step can one take if this not? If I where to get in detail about the discrimination and the banefits like the lack medical attantion we need I would take the hole day.. Pls help
Reply to Lelingowa: Keep your eyes and ears open for the changes in the Labour Legislation later this year. While Labour Broking won’t be banned, the practice of employing people for lengthy periods at lesser conditions of employment will be severely restricted.